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uor-client-go pull

Pull a UOR collection based on content or attribute address

uor-client-go pull SRC [flags]


  # Pull collection reference.
uor-client-go pull localhost:5001/test:latest

# Pull collection reference and all linked references.
uor-client-go pull localhost:5001/test:latest --pull-all

# Pull all content from reference that satisfies the attribute query.
uor-client-go pull localhost:5001/test:latest --attributes attribute-query.yaml


      --attributes string     Attribute query config path
-c, --configs stringArray Path(s) to your registry credentials. Defaults to well-known auth locations ~/.docker/config.json and $XDG_RUNTIME_DIR/container/auth.json, in respective order.
-h, --help help for pull
--insecure Allow connections to registries SSL registry without certs
--no-verify Skip collection signature verification
-o, --output string Output location for artifacts
--plain-http Use plain http and not https when contacting registries
--pull-all Pull all linked collections

Options inherited from parent commands

  -l, --loglevel string   Log level (debug, info, warn, error, fatal) (default "info")